“You can have the best strategy and the best building in the world, but if you don't have the hearts and minds of the people who work with you, none of it comes to life.”
— Renee West
My areas of expertise include Psychometrics, Assessment/Development Centres, Coaching, 360-degree feedback, Training, Academic & Professional Supervision, Research & Statistics and Selection & Career Development.
Recruitment & Selection
Job Analysis
Identification of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities and hence competencies required within role.
Interview Design/Training
Designing interview questions/mark scales to assess both candidate experience and future capabilities.
Interviewer training/coaching to enhance the time/focus of the interview process.
Assessment Centre
All aspects of design, delivery and evaluation of the Assessment Centre Process both for graduate entry and more experienced hire.
Ability tests & Personality inventories
Use of psychometrics to profile candidates to provide further areas to be explored during the interview process.
Development Framework
Design of curriculum to cover key training requirements for new hires to the organization to be used as a mapping and development tool.
Career guidance/Coaching/Profiling to support the employment search.
Assessment & Development
Organisational Change
Managing the impact of firm downsizing/mergers to ensure firm effectiveness is maintained and the organisation retains engaged ‘survivors’.
Individual coaching to support a new hire or facing new challenges in role.
Team development
Workshops or development day/centre to enhance ability to meet new projects/challenges.
360-degree feedback for team and individual development.
Evaluation of organizational development activity.
Statistical analysis and report to investigate the impact and validity of any intervention undertaken.
Organisational Socialisation
Providing guidance regarding the support required to ensure a smooth transition into a new organisation.
Managing the Psychological Contract
Coaching new hires to ensure expectations raised during recruitment/selection are managed and realised.
Team Building
Team workshops to support the introduction of a new team leader or the creation of a new project team to enhance team effectiveness.